Our Mission
The International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (IACAET) is a professional association with a global orientation and scope. IACAET promotes a genuine global dialogue, particularly between South and North, East and West, about the role and practice of the creative arts in education and therapy across all regions. IACAET supports the development of the creative arts in a wide range of fields including education, therapy, healthcare and wellness, performing arts and other allied professions. IACAET supports the acknowledgement, and affirmation, of creative arts practitioners across the global who are committed to a body-mind-spirit continuum that advances humanity and the planet. IACAET achieves this through continuing professional development for educators and practitioners, by enhancing and safe-guarding training standards and practices rooted in diverse traditions, and through the facilitation of cross-regional, interdisciplinary and intersectional collaboration. In doing so, IACAET encourages equality and humanity in dialogues and exchanges across cultures worldwide.

Our Vision
IACAET believes the aesthetic and creative use of the arts, together with body-mind-spirit integration in a holistic and humanistic approach, are essential for individual and collective well-being, social change, the advancement of humanity and the sustainable development of societies and nature.


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A Truly Global Community

Event Details


Tapestries of Tolerance: Weaving Contemplative Practices, Embodiment, and The Arts to Build A Mindful Middle East

Date: November 23rd, 2020, 9-11 am New York

Presented by: IACASE; Supported by: Inspirees Institute, CAET journalโ€‹

Contemplative creative practices, embodiment, and the arts have the potential to positively contribute to a culture of tolerance, understanding, nonviolence, and freedom of expression. As creative artists, embodied practitioners, researchers, artists, and movers we are reminded to work together to explore and focus on one sphere whose power and importance is often underestimated: the embodied contemplative arts. In times of conflict and political crisis, the arts hold answers to unwritten questions and weave fragments of narratives into a tapestry of tolerance. This international webinar serves as a platform for connection and will seek to illuminate stories from and about the Middle East by creative and inspiring panelists whose life's purpose is dedicated to cultivating a culture of unity.

This webinar is the first of a series of webinars that will be woven into a collective body of work focusing on harnessing the healing power of the arts across the Middle East region. Join us to experience a generative power of gratitude and witness the embodied tapestry where the whole is larger than any sum of its parts.

Curated and chaired by:

Distinguished guest panelists:

Sponsors and Partners

Ticket ( IACASE Registered Member Only)

Standard PriceComplimentary

Ticket (Non-Member)

Standard Price$18