A seminar for adults to DEVELOP creativity and INNOVATION

CREATIVE Movement - Garcia-Plevin method

Creative Movement is a discipline which develops creativity through movement by teaching how to awaken, be present and listen deeply to what the body has to say.

The seminar proposes different ways of exploring creativity through one's own body movement. Today discoveries by of neuroscientists confirm that consciousness, intelligence, and creativity are rooted in the experience of the body.

Creativity emerges when we find a way to externalize what we may be experiencing internally, thus allowing us to find our true selves. Moreover, the capacity to express ourselves more authentically nourishes our emotional intelligence and innovative thinking. This teaching will, as well, offer elements on how to better one's quality of life, improve relationships, reduce stress, and increase vitality.

The seminar is mainly practical: through movement we will understand the mind. Themes we will be working with are:

· How to listen to the body, to be able to recognize the attention necessary to be receptive to inner impulses for movement,

· How to let go, in order so as to move freely and spontaneously,

· How to be stimulated by rhythm and music,

· How to be stimulated by images and the imagination,

· How to be stimulated by objects, material, color, and design,

· How to create, vis-a-vis in our relationship with others.

Who is the seminar for ?

EDUCATORS: To apply the knowledge gained in this seminar about creativity, gained in this seminar, in finding new approaches and contents to be employed with students of their own.

Creative Arts education teachers: To find new inspiration for teaching music, dance, art, and drama.

THERAPISTS: To recognize that being consciouses of the importance of the body can improve relationship with patients.

MANAGERS : To be able to improve creative initiatives in their own work as well as finding ways to encourage others towards creativity and to lower stress levels in particular.

ARTISTS AND DANCERS: To be able to find new visions and inspirations for their art work.

ALL OTHERS: Anyone who that would like to experiment and find greater liberty in their ways of expression.

The seminar is open to all and to take part it is not necessary to have had previous experience in the fields of movement and dance.

What our students have said about their experience of the seminars:

" I felt a sense of completeness and total participation during the seminar. The body as a protagonist together with the mind: a body alienated from the mind or, equally, a mind distanced from the body simply did not exist."

"I understood that being aware of the self is a necessary condition for being comfortable with others in a more authentic relationship"

"Before starting the course, I sensed my body more like a cypress tree but at the end it felt like a cherry tree in bloom with so many branches and so many flowers coming out"

"Taking part in the Creative Movement seminars is a new and profound experience for me – a coming into the light each time. Just like a rebirth. Indeed, my body is undergoing an interesting process of reunification with the mind which will – I feel sure – bring about a new and unique me, capable of expressing myself without any more divisions between the mind and the body".

Tutor: Tiziana Giansante.

Certified Creative Movement Teacher, Garcia-Plevin® Method;. Teacher on the Creative Movement Program in Italy, Turkey and at the China Inspirees Institute of Creative Arts Therapy;. Member of the board of the Creative Movement Garcia-Plevin® Method Association (Italy).

Certified Dance Movement Therapist trained at Art Therapy Italiana; . Member of APID (Italian Association of Dance Movement Therapy). She has worked with Alzheimer's disease, psychic, cognitive, and relational disturbances in the developmental age and medical DMT (pediatric oncology).

Indian Classical dancer and teacher and a member of the Nrityodhaya Dance Accademy Company of Mumbai (India)

Certified Shiatsu Teacher.


北京, China

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