Event Details

Webinar and Book Launch

Date: June 14, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM New York / 6:00 PM-7:30 PM London

Location: Zoom

Language: English

Event summary: Presentations from international contributors to the book on 'Bridging the Creative Arts Therapies & Arts in Health: Toward Inspirational Practice' (co-edited by Donna Betts &  Val Huet), highlighting innovative and inspirational practice, integrative of arts in health and creative arts therapies. 

Webinar description

"The arts, health, and well-being and the creative arts therapies share a core belief that the arts are fundamental to human experience and that creativity is essential to health and well-being." (Lord Howarth of Newport) This shared belief is at the heart of each chapter of this book, and Donna Betts and Val Huet, co-editors, have invited some of the international contributors to share their inspirational practice as artists in health and creative arts therapists. The webinar will outline different aspects of creative practice and illustrate how combining different approaches can benefit clients, practitioners, institutions, and communities. We will provide an international overview as although the development of arts in health and arts therapies is still uneven across countries and continents, there is a growing recognition of their beneficial impact across the life cycle.

Dr. Donna Betts, USA & Dr. Val Huet, UK: Overview of book 'Bridging the Creative Arts Therapies & Arts in Health: Toward Inspirational Practice



    Dr. Donna Betts & Dr. Val Huet


    Free to IACAET members
    Standard Ticket

    Non IACAET Member


    Webinar Attendees learning outcomes

    • Understanding of arts in health and creative arts therapies definitions. 
    • Learning about some of the common elements and differences between these approaches.
    • Learning about inspirational practice and integration and applications of these approaches. 