







  • 为了提供沉浸式体验,让参与者沉浸在支持表达、疗愈和建立韧性的艺术实践中。
  • 展示创意表达如何在冲突和危机情况下被个人和社区所运用。
  • 创建一个对话和交流的平台。


  • 启动及概述:介绍在危机情况下使用艺术的重要性。
  • 演讲及体验参与:讲解在受危机影响的地区所使用的基于艺术的方法,说明用于支持、治疗和建立个人和社区复原力的创造性实践对个人和群体的切实影响。
  • 结束语和后续:总结关键要点,并讨论参与者如何继续将基于艺术的方法融入他们的工作,以及进一步合作的潜在机会。


  • 创造性艺术治疗师、教育工作者、社区工作者和研究人员。
  • 创伤恢复、冲突解决、人道援助和社区发展领域的专业人士。
  • 艺术家、文化工作者以及其他对基于艺术的危机干预方法感兴趣的人。



  • 参与者将了解一些实用的工具和策略,以艺术的方式应对创伤,并在受灾害和冲突影响的社区中构建复原力。
  • 加深对创造性表达如何促进表达、理解、同理心和危机情况中疗愈机会的理解。
  • 在危机、冲突和流离失所时期,利用艺术解决社会和情感支持需求以及修复机会。


Dr. Vivien Marcow Speiser

Vivien Marcow Speiser, PhD LMHC, REAT, BC-DMT, is professor emerita and co-director of the Institute for Arts and Health in the Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences, Lesley University. Marcow Speiser has directed and taught in programs across the United States and internationally and has used the arts as a way of communicating across borders and across cultures. She believes in the power of the arts to create the conditions for personal and social change and transformation. Her interests and expertise are in the areas of working with trauma and cross-cultural conflict resolution through the arts and she has worked extensively with groups in the Middle East and in South Africa. She is a Fulbright Scholar (1920,23 and 24) and had a Salzburg Global Seminars Fellowship in 2020. She received an honorary JAAH Lifetime Achievement in Arts and Health Award in 2019, the 2014 Distinguished Fellows Award from the Global Alliance for Arts and Health, as well a 2015 Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award from theIsraeli Expressive and Creative Arts Therapy Association.

Dr. Phillip Speiser

Phillip Speiser, PhD, REAT, RDT/BC, is an artist, expressive arts educator/therapist, drama therapist, and psychodramatist who has developed integrated arts therapy, wellness/health and educational programs for over four decades. He is currently Director of Parkside Arts and Health Associates in Haymarket, Virginia where he does supervision and project development/management around the globe. He is also a research associate

at the University of the Witwatersrand and a lecturer at the art therapy program at the University of Johannesburg. After the tragic events of 9/11 he developed the Healing Arts Project, a trauma recovery/prevention program in Boston and New York City.

Dr. Tony Zhou

Dr. Tony Zhou holds a doctoral degree in biomedicine and has been working and living in China and Europe for many years. He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Inspirees Education Group (Netherlands/China). Though trained as a scientist, he has been greatly intrigued by modern dance and dance therapy since 2002 and has played an important role in driving the development of dance therapy and creative arts therapies in China. Dr. Zhou serves on an international advisory board for the journal Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. He founded Inspirees Institute and Creative Arts Education and Therapy (CAET) – Eastern and Western Perspectives, the international open access journal. He is also a certified movement analyst (CMA) trained by LIMS in New York. Dr. Zhou is the team leader for the Chinese Group of Arts Therapy, Chinese Psychological Society, Guest Professor of Beijing Normal University, Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts, Co-founder and core member of the World Alliance of Dance Movement Therapy (WADMT). He is the founding member and CEO of the International Association of Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (IACAET).


  1. Dr. Paul N. Animbom, PhD, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Performing and Visual Arts at The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
  2. Dr. Kim Berman, PhD, Professor in Visual Art and founding director of the art therapy program at University of Johannesburg (South Africa)
  3. Dr. Krystal Leah Demaine, PhD, Professor of Expressive Therapies, Endicott College, (USA)
  4. Dr. Rainbow T.H. HO, PhD, Professor and Director of the Center on Behavioral Health, Hong Kong University, China
  5. Dr. Jun Hu, PhD, Dean of A/r/tography Research Center, Hangzhou Normal Univ, (China)
  6. Dr. Debra Kalmanowitz, PhD, Head of the Art Therapy programme, Sapir Academic College (Israel))
  7. Dr. Michal Lev, PhD, Faculty Lecturer at the graduate art therapy program at Ono Academic College (Israel)
  8. Dr. Vivien Marcow Speiser, PhD, Professor Emerita Lesley University USA, and Distinguished Research Associate, University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) 
  9. Nsamu Moonga MMT, Music Therapy Doctoral Candidate, at the University of Pretoria (South Africa), and music therapist from Zambia.
  10. Nathalie Robelot-Timtchenko, MA, founder and director First Aid of the Soul (Ukraine & US)
  11. Dr. Raymond Saner PhD, titular professor Department of Economics and Management Basle University & co-founder of Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development CSEND, Geneva
  12. Dr. Lichia Saner Yiu PhD, President and Co-Founder, Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development CSEND, Geneva Switzerland
  13. Dr Ilene A. Serlin, PhD, Associated Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, USA
  14. Dr. Celeste Nazeli Snowber, PhD, Professor of Education at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada 
  15. Dr. Phillip Speiser, PhD, Research Associate, University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa 
  16. Dr. Petro Janse van Vuuren, PhD, Head of Drama for Life Department, at the University of the Witwatersrand South Africa 
  17. Dr. Rebecca Zarate, Professor of Arts and Health, and Associate Dean for Research at the College of Fine Arts, the University of Utah USA
  18. Dr. Tony Zhou PhD, Co-Founder and CEO of Inspirees Education Group


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