Master class: The discipline of authentic movement
Authentic movement was founded on Jungโs concept of the active imagination and the collective unconscious where symbolic meaning is seen in physical expression. However, it has connections with psychodynamic psychotherapy, group analysis, and mindfulness. Its language resonates with Rogerian person-centred psychotherapy. In this workshop, the discipline of authentic movement (Adler, 2002) will be explored from humanistic, psychodynamic and analytical psychology perspectives. The format of dyad, ...
Authentic movement was founded on Jung’s concept of the active imagination and the collective unconscious where symbolic meaning is seen in physical expression. However, it has connections with psychodynamic psychotherapy, group analysis, and mindfulness. Its language resonates with Rogerian person-centred psychotherapy. In this workshop, the discipline of authentic movement (Adler, 2002) will be explored from humanistic, psychodynamic and analytical psychology perspectives. The format of dyad, triads and groups will be the basis of the examination. Languaging the experience will be given careful attention. The day will refer to research in authentic movement.
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