McNiff Shaun 英国赫特福德大学 教授
Helen Payne (英国):博士, 心理治疗教授,英国赫特福德大学,《Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy》国际学术期刊创刊人及主编
Joan Wittig 布拉特学院 副教授
简介 Marcia Plevin 意大利创意舞动协会 创始人
简介 Karen Studd ISMETA 拉班项目总监
Karen是美国俄勒冈大学舞蹈硕士。在西雅图接受动作分析大师Peggy Hackney的训练并成为了纽约拉班/芭特妮芙动作研究院(LIMS)的认证动作分析师。Karen还是国际身心动作培训师...
简介 郭海平 南京原生艺术工作室 创始人
简介 Claudio Mochi 意大利游戏治疗协会 主席
Claudio Mochi(意大利):意大利游戏治疗协会主席,美国游戏治疗协会注册督导师
Christina Deveraux 爵硕大学 副教授
简介 Zvika Frank BC-DMT , Rotterdam Dance Academy (Codart)
Zvika Frank is a renowned Dutch/Israeli dance-movement therapist, registered in the U.S. as BC-DMT. Winner of ADTA Outstanding Achievement of year 2011. For 27 years, he has been working at...
简介 Zvika Frank Zvika Frank is a renowned Dutch/Israeli dance-movement therapist, registered in the U.S. as BC-DMT. Winner of ADTA Outstanding Achievement of year 2011. For 27 years, he has been working at Delta Psychiatric Centre, located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. For 24 years, he offers internships and supervises his students. Zvika was part of the committee of the Master Program Dance Therapy at Codarts, Rottderam and helped to develop the content of this program. For 13 years, he has been a supervisor and teacher for students at Codarts. Since 6 years, he is giving workshops in China; a combination of an introduction to DMT and therapy.
Steve Harvey Faculty , University of Guam
Steve Harvey博士,RPT/S,BC-DMT, RDT,目前在学校进行心理咨询,是关岛大学临床心理学系的兼职教员。此前,史蒂夫在新西兰新普利茅斯儿童和青少年心理健康服务中心担任心理...
简介 Steve Harvey Steve Harvey博士,RPT/S,BC-DMT, RDT,目前在学校进行心理咨询,是关岛大学临床心理学系的兼职教员。此前,史蒂夫在新西兰新普利茅斯儿童和青少年心理健康服务中心担任心理学顾问。在从事心理健康工作之前,史蒂夫积极参加即兴戏剧/舞蹈表演。他和他的妻子康纳已经在几个国家发展并继续练习讲故事。除了是一名临床和教育心理学家,史蒂夫还注册了美国舞蹈、戏剧和戏剧治疗协会,并积极参与了所有表达方式的整合。在过去的25年里,他一直在国际上主持以运动为基础的家庭游戏治疗研讨会。目前,他正在跨文化背景下展示和出版基于物理故事的艺术研究。
Catherine Maguire ISMETA 注册动作分析师
Catherine (Cat) Maguire是一位动作教育家、舞蹈艺术家、注册动作分析师(CMA)、注册身心动作教育家(RSME)、Laban/Bartenieff动作体系(LBMS)的资...
简介 Peixin Meng PhD, Professor , Central Academy of Fine Arts
Peixin Meng, PhD, Professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, editor of the CAET Journal. Member of the Chinese Psychological Society and Chinese Association for Mental Health. Peixin is on t...
简介 Peixin Meng Peixin Meng, PhD, Professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, editor of the CAET Journal. Member of the Chinese Psychological Society and Chinese Association for Mental Health. Peixin is on the registration committee for psychotherapists and is herself an art therapist. Currently, Peixin is doing research and clinical practice at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and teaches multiple classes at graduate and post-graduate levels. Peixin earned her PhD from Beijing Normal University Psychology department in 2004 where she worked on research and practice of art therapy. This research is pioneer in the field of art therapy in China. Peixin also serves as co-president on the board of clinical and psychotherapy committee in the Chinese Psychological Society.
周宇 亿派学院 CEO