Philip Woods is Professor of Educational Policy, Democracy and Leadership and Director of the Centre for Educational Leadership at the University of Hertfordshire, UK; as well as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and holder of a Distinguished Service Award of the British Educational Leadership Management & Administration Society (BELMAS). He leads the Erasmus+ funded ‘European Arts-based Development of Distributed Leadership and Innovation in Schools’ (ENABLES) project. Recent publications include ‘Theorising the value of collage in exploring educational leadership’ (with Amanda Roberts), British Educational Research Journal, 44 (4) (2018); and two chapters in the Oxford Encyclopaedia of Educational Administration, edited by R. Papa, Oxford University Press (2021): ‘School Leadership Preparation and Development in England’ (with Joy Jarvis, Amanda Roberts and Suzanne Culshaw) and ‘Democratic Leadership’.
Suzanne Culshaw is a Research Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. Much of her work is situated in the field of teacher and leader wellbeing, and her doctoral research explored what it means to be struggling as a teacher. She has used collage extensively in research and professional learning sessions in-person and online, with teachers, school leaders, early career researchers and others in education settings. Recent publications include ‘The unspoken power of collage? Using an innovative arts-based research method to explore the experience of struggling as a teacher.’ London Review of Education, 17(3), 268-283 (2019) and ‘Love as the lifeblood of being-well: a call for care for teachers in England’s schools.’ Pastoral Care in Education, 39(3), 269-290 (2021) (with Nomisha Kurian). She is a member of BELMAS council, editor of the BELMAS blog, committee member for IPDA England (International Professional Development Association) and an avid user of Twitter (@SuzanneCulshaw).
Helen Payne, Reg. ADMP UK & UKCP is a Professor of Psychotherapy at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. She is a registered, practising psychotherapist and specialising in the Discipline of Authentic Movement. Her research interests include the ecological self; arts-informed research; embodied approach to research, psychotherapy, leadership and learning; student and staff mental health. She conducts research, supervises clinical practice and PhDs, teaches and examines at doctorate level nationally/internationally. She led the establishment of the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK. She is the founding Editor-in-Chief for the international peer reviewed journal ‘Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy’ and President of IACAET. She developed the research-informed and evidence-based BodyMind Approach® to support people in the NHS with persistent bodily symptoms for which tests and scans come back negative. Recent publications include The-Routledge-International-Handbook-of-Embodied-Perspectives-in-Psychotherapy/Payne-Koch-Tantia-Fuchs
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