

续写拉班传奇 - 拉班芭特妮芙动作体系(LBMS)的进化与发展


亿派学院联合美国拉班/芭特妮芙动作研究院(LIMS)、WholeMovement等合作单位将于 2022 年 4 月1-3日举办拉班动作分析与研究国际研讨会。来自中国及全球拉班及身心学领域的同行将通过云端共同探讨拉班芭特妮芙动作体系的进化与发展。我们谨以本次会议奉献给拉班/芭特妮芙动作体系(Laban/Bartenieff Movement System, LBMS)的创立者鲁道夫•拉班及茵格•芭特妮芙,以及他们之后致力于发展这一不断进化的动作体系的其他先驱和同行们。




    由于 LBMS 在全球范围内正广泛传播并已覆盖了众多领域,并支持着教育工作者、艺术家、治疗师、研究人员和实践者的工作,因此我们的同行和专业社区对于共享信息和知识、经验交流和对话、专业培训和发展、社区建设和学习有持续的需要。在这个充满挑战的新冠疫情时期,这个领域的许多学习者和实践者的专业学习和实践工作都受到了影响,有些甚至被迫中断。也正是这样的现状让我们看到举办这次研讨会的重要性。作为基于具身化的学科领域,LBMS 在线形式的学习和实践的合理性和有效性已经在我们的社区中进行了不断的讨论。我们工作的整个范式发生了翻天覆地的转变,为了应对这种转变,我们的学员、教师和所有同行都需要有意识和批判性地反思、进行开放和建设性的讨论、不断创新与合作,并且充分参与共创。

    2016年,亿派与美国拉班/芭特妮芙动作研究院(LIMS)开始了战略合作,在中国开设了基于LBMS的认证动作分析师(CMA)的认证培训项目。在过去的五年里,共有来自国内外的60 多名学生在三届团体中接受了培训或正在受训。目前已有6名中国毕业学员取得了CMA的认证。





  • 第1天 (2022年04月01日)
    08:00 - 08:30Bartenieff's Voice: The Ripple Effects of 3-Dimensional Embodiment
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: History and theory; Educational; Health
    Speaker: Martha Hart Eddy
    08:30 - 09:00Introduction to Klein Technique™
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Education & Pedagogy
    Speaker: Susan Klein
    09:00 - 10:30Movement as Meditation through a Laban lens
    Session: Workshop (90 min)
    Theme: New applications
    Speaker: Diane Roo Carroll
    15:00 - 15:30Effort/Shape in a Human Needs Matrix
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: New applications
    Speaker: Deborah Heifetz
    15:30 - 16:00A Somatic Approach to Pole Dance Performance and Choreography
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Arts performance
    Speaker: Lacin Keles
    16:45 - 17:15How are Rhythms captured in the Kestenberg Movement Profile? ―Focusing on the importance of Kinesthetic Empathy in therapy process
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Health & Therapy
    Speaker: Yukari Sakiyama
    17:15 - 17:45LABAN’S Choreosophy A research-creation embodied philosophy integrated in performance
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Arts performance
    Speaker: Regina Miranda
    20:00 - 20:15Opening ceremony of the Symposium


    博士,CMA, CEO

    Karen Bradley


    20:15 - 21:00What’s in a name? - Identifying LBMS as a body of knowledge today
    Session: Keynote (45 min)
    Theme: History and Theory

    Karen A Studd


    21:00 - 22:30Dynamic Boundaries through LBMS
    Session: Workshop (90 min)
    Theme: Health & Therapy
    Speaker: Brenton Cheng
    第2天 (2022年04月02日)
    08:00 - 09:30Making Meaning with Machines: Explicating a Component of Time Through Work With Robots
    Session: Workshop (90 min)
    Theme: New applications
    Speakers: Amy LaViers & Cat Maguire
    09:30 - 11:00Using LBMS in K-12 Dance Education
    Session: Workshop (90 min)
    Theme: Education & Pedagogy
    Speaker: Joanna Brotman
    15:00 - 15:30Positive Aging: A Mother–Daughter Duet based on BESS
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Health & Therapy
    Speaker: Ra-Yuan Tseng 曾瑞媛
    15:30 - 16:00Exploring images as a supportive tool for movement education
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Education & Pedagogy
    Speaker: Rotem Hornedo
    16:00 - 16:30Exploring the value of applying the Laban Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS) in a Dance Movement Psychotherapy practice with adult survivors of trauma
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Health & Therapy
    Speaker: Susan Scarth
    16:45 - 17:15Experiences with bodies, times and spaces: dialogues between William Forsythe and Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS)
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Education & Pedagogy
    Speaker: Adriano Pinheiro & Lilian Vilela
    17:15 - 18:00Recuperating the spiritual in Laban movement practice: Rudolf Laban, the practical mystic
    Session: Keynote (45 min)
    Theme: Arts performance

    Juliet Chambers Coe

    20:00 - 20:30Making the Implicit Explicit- Evolving and Expanding the Map of Movemement
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Education & Pedagogy
    Speakers: Karen Studd & Cat Maguir
    20:30 - 21:15Rudolf Laban and the Neuroscience of Community
    Session: Keynote (45 min)
    Theme: History and Theory

    Karen Bradley


    21:15 - 21:45Beauty That Moves: Art-partaking in Dance for PD
    Session: Presentation (30 min)
    Theme: Health & Therapy
    Speaker: Cecilia Fontanesi
    21:45 - 22:00Let's Dance
    第3天 (2022年04月03日)
    08:00 - 09:30Moving Seniors - Maintaining Essential Movement Bartenieff Fundamentals
    Session: Workshop (90 min)
    Theme: Education & Pedagogy
    Speaker: John Chanik
    09:30 - 11:00Structure and Rhythm: The Cube, Spirals, and Fascia
    Session: Workshop (90 min)
    Theme: New applications
    Speakers: Laura V Ward & Jackie Hand
    14:30 - 14:50Stories between LBMS and us
    Session: Presentation (20 min)
    Theme: Education & Pedagogy
    Speakers: Cheng Yun程芸 , Mia Xu许一君, Xiong Ying熊瑛 & Wu Feng吴丰
    language: Chinese
    14:50 - 15:10LBMS in the study of ancient Chinese dance images
    Session: Presentation (20 min)
    Theme: New applications
    Speaker: Sisi Peng彭小希
    language: Chinese
    15:10 - 15:30Dance Creation and Analysis from the Perspective of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System: Using the Dance Piece Glowing Ocean as an Example
    Session: Presentation (20 min)
    Theme: Arts performance
    Speaker: Shawn Liu刘少博
    language: Chinese
    15:40 - 16:00Laban-Bartenieff Movement Theory Analysis and Application of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Dance Research
    Session: Presentation (20 min)
    Theme: History & Theory
    Speaker: Sharina莎日娜
    language: Chinese
    16:00 - 17:15Creativity Training for Experiential DMT/CM Group Leaders via LBMS
    Session: Workshop (75min)
    Theme: New applications
    Speaker: Katee Shen沈妍
    language: Chinese
    17:15 - 18:00Roundtable Discussion
    Speakers: Chinese speakers
    language: Chinese
    18:00 - 18:30Let's dance
    End of the International Symposium

1、*以上的活动日程时间显示的是北京时间。请注意不同地区的时差问题。可打开 https://www.worldtimebuddy.com​进行时差转换,也可在此页面最下方下载含有不同时区时间的日程安排。如有问题可以联系我们。





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WAEF2023 DT/MT Summit讲者简介(Speakers' bio).pdf
最新日程安排(The Latest Agenda with Different Time Zones).pdf